Similar to DreamForce, the focus was on mobile, wearables, SalesForce Wave and how they all work together. However, prior to getting into the "meat" of the presentation, SalesForce had a number of customer stories. One of the most interesting was CoderDojo. The idea behind CoderDojo is to help youths of all ages get into coding. This is done by mentors (basically people who already code for their life) helping and inspiring youths getting into coding. SalesForce is so behind this idea that the SalesForce Foundation gave £200,000.
During the rest of the presentation nothing really new was announced. However, Keith Block, one of their newest leaders at SalesForce, had a great intro video. It showed him landing at Heathrow and then slowly, but surely, getting to the event to present. Tastefully, a number of SalesForce customers offices were shown, including:
- Vodafone
- John Lewis
- Barclays
Overall it was a great event, but was perhaps focused too much on selling and not enough on actually having content for SalesForce customers to learn from. Until DreamForce...